
پایان نامه -تحقیق-مقاله – قسمت 19 – پایان نامه های کارشناسی ارشد

    1. . Mere Exposure Phenomenon ↑

    1. . Vanden Bergh & Katz ↑

    1. . Patet ↑

    1. . learned predisposition ↑

    1. . Castaneda, et al. ↑

    1. . Attitude towards advertising ↑

    1. . Attitude towards the advertisement ↑

    1. . Affective reaction ↑

    1. . Chen & Wells ↑

    1. . Hadija, et al. ↑

    1. . Affective construct ↑

    1. . Subjective evaluations ↑

    1. . Weighted evaluations ↑

    1. . Perceived attributes ↑

    1. . Consequences of products ↑

    1. . Brackett & Carr ↑

    1. . Prepositions ↑

    1. . Attitude toward the brand ↑

    1. . Hierarachy of effects ↑

    1. . Responed action ↑

    1. . Cambell and Wright ↑

    1. . Karson, et al. ↑

    1. . McAllister ↑

    1. . Uncertainty ↑

    1. . Salo & Karjaluoto ↑

    1. . Ganesan ↑

    1. . Different behavioral ↑

    1. . Social scientific ↑

    1. . Conceptually ↑

    1. . Operationally ↑

    1. . Credibility ↑

    1. . Consistent tendency ↑

    1. . Rational perspective ↑

    1. . Inform ↑

    1. . Elliot & Paul ↑

    1. . Reliable source ↑

    1. . Cognitive ↑

    1. . Emotional ↑

    1. . Behavioral ↑

    1. . Doney, et al. ↑

    1. . Mutltidimensional ↑

    1. . Independent Constructs ↑

    1. . Trustworthiness ↑

    1. . Truthfulness ↑

    1. . Believability ↑

    1. . Confidence ↑

    1. . Competence ↑

    1. . Benevolence ↑

    1. . Reliability ↑

    1. . Mutual emotional investment ↑

    1. . Willingness to rely on ↑

    1. . Generalized beliefs ↑

    1. . Integrity ↑

    1. . Honesty ↑

    1. . Source credibility ↑

    1. . Expertise ↑

    1. . Attractiveness of endorsers and advertisers ↑

    1. . Advertising credibility ↑

    1. . Advertising content credibility ↑

    1. . Truthful ↑

    1. . Believable ↑

    1. . Media credibility ↑

    1. . Knowledge ↑

    1. . Trusting belief ↑

    1. . Trusting behavioral intention ↑

    1. . McKnight, et al. ↑

    1. . Moorman, et al. ↑

    1. . Cooperation ↑

    1. . Consumer Reports ↑

    1. . Evaluation ↑

    1. . Trusted object ↑

    1. . Emotional security or confidence ↑

    1. . Morgan and Hunt ↑

    1. . Content ↑

    1. . Form ↑

    1. . Dailey ↑

    1. . Eroglu, et al. ↑

    1. . Exposure ↑

    1. . Adclicking ↑

    1. . Online shopping ↑

    1. . Dreze & Zufryden ↑

    1. . The Economist ↑

    1. . Gong & Maddox ↑

    1. . Wolin, et al. ↑

    1. . Cho ↑

    1. . Web advertising ↑

    1. . Clewley, et al. ↑

    1. . Recession ↑

    1. . Ramachandran, et al. ↑

    1. . Wu, et al. ↑

    1. . Ozen, et al. ↑

    1. . Purchase decision-making process ↑

    1. . Sahney, et al. ↑

    1. . Helander and Khalid ↑

    1. . E-commerce ↑

    1. . Stevenson, et al. ↑

    1. . Purchase intention ↑

    1. . Korgaonkar & Wolin ↑

    1. .Facebook ↑

    1. .GooglePlus ↑

    1. .YouTube ↑

    1. .Myspace ↑

    1. .Linkedin ↑

    1. .Yang, et al. ↑

    1. .Lenhart, et al. ↑

    1. .Chitu, et al. ↑

    1. .One to one ↑

    1. .One to many ↑

    1. .Patino, et al. ↑

    1. . Credibility ↑

    1. . Intrusive advertising ↑

    1. . Online advertising ↑

    1. . Net generation ↑

    1. . Huh, et al. ↑

    1. . Brochures . ↑

    1. . Direct mail advertising ↑

    1. . Online drug information ↑

    1. . Ad-promoted behavior ↑

    1. . Exposure ↑

    1. . Direct to consumer (DTC) ↑

    1. . E-mail advertising ↑

    1. . Senario ↑

    1. . Structural Equations Modelling ↑

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